- Please select the required product group and product on the left. If you know the catalog number, you can search for the catalog number in the search field at the top. You can call up the relevant CAD model in the right-hand window by clicking on the "CAD symbol" in the Data column or clicking on the product illustration.
- Now select 2D or 3D output in the menus that are provided. You can then select the required CAD format, and by clicking on “Download” you can create the CAD model. The CAD model is generated and stored in the “Download centre”. Alternatively, you can transfer the CAD model directly to your CAD system using the “Insert directly into:” option and then clicking on “Click2CAD”.
- You can download your buffered data in the “Download centre”.
- Click on the disk icon to store the files on your computer.
Furniture fittings
Architectural hardware